- Improves acceleration, lateral speed, change of direction and reaction time by combining mental and physical training
- Includes exclusive online programming and content designed by certified trainers
- Circular shape helps train footwork and agility patterns in all directions for almost any sport or skill level
- Includes eight cones in four different colors to enhance random response and memory sequencing patterns
- Ladder and cones combined can be set in endless training sequences including speed gates or marking training drills
- Designed to work on any surface including grass, turf, court, track, and concrete
- Sets up and folds down instantly with an included carry bag for portability
- Athletic Intelligence products are designed to develop specific skill sets and can be combined in drills to customize training.
- For more versatile training use with the SwitchedOn training app.
- 通過結合心理和體能訓練提高加速度、橫向速度、方向改變和反應時間
- 包括由認證培訓師設計的獨家在線節目和內容
- 圓形有助於訓練幾乎所有運動所需技能,及各種程度的運動水平的各方向步法和敏捷模式
- 包括四種不同顏色的八個錐體,以增強隨機反應和記憶排序模式
- 梯子和錐體組合可以設置為循環式的訓練序列,包括速度或標記訓練練習
- 設計用於任何表面,包括草地、草皮、球場、跑道和混凝土
- 隨附的手提袋方便攜帶,好收納,擺放攤開即可使用。
Reactive Agility Ladder
The Reactive Agility Ladder uses color and audible cues to engage the brain and body during training to develop Athletic Intelligence and improve reaction time and speed through rapid decision making. With included online exclusive programming and content designed by certified trainers, athletes can take training to the next level. Utilize the eight cones and ladder for endless training sequences including speed gates or marking drills
• Improves acceleration, lateral speed, change of direction and reaction time by combining mental and physical training
• Includes exclusive online programming and content designed by certified trainers
• Circular shape helps train footwork and agility patterns in all directions for almost any sport or skill level
• Includes eight cones in four different colors to enhance random response and memory sequencing patterns
• Ladder and cones combined can be set in endless training sequences including speed gates or marking training drills
• Designed to work on any surface including grass, turf, court, track, and concrete
• Sets up and folds down instantly with an included carry bag for portability
• Athletic Intelligence products are designed to develop specific skill sets and can be combined in drills to customize training
• For more versatile training use with the SwitchedOn training app.
敏捷訓練網Reactive Agility Ladder
• 通過結合心理和體能訓練提高加速度、橫向速度、方向改變和反應時間 • 包括由認證培訓師設計的獨家在線節目和內容
• 圓形有助於訓練幾乎所有運動所需技能,及各種程度的運動水平的各方向步法和敏捷模式
• 包括四種不同顏色的八個錐體,以增強隨機反應和記憶排序模式
• 梯子和錐體組合可以設置為循環式的訓練序列,包括速度或標記訓練練習
• 設計用於任何表面,包括草地、草皮、球場、跑道和混凝土
• 隨附的手提袋方便攜帶,好收納,擺放攤開即可使用。
• Athletic Intelligence 產品旨在開發特定技能組合,並且可以在練習中結合以定制培訓。
• 使用 SwitchedOn 培訓應用程序app進行更全面的培訓。
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