- 洗衣無需洗衣精、洗衣粉,簡單省時省力。
- 單次洗衣成本不到 5 元,經濟又環保 。
- 超強除臭力,衣服上的臭味都消失了。
- 洗淨+消臭+除菌+洗衣槽洗淨四合一功效。
- 日本專利,日本製造。
7. MD (Female), USA:We love your product! I'd love to order some more for my family! Our front-loading machine had bad moldy smell, made our clothes to smell too, but it’s all gone now after using Terra Wash+Mg and my clothes smell so fresh now!! It’s amazing! Your product is also saving us a ton of $$!!!! Every house in the world should own one of these! Very thankful because I have a very sensitive nose and I hate things that smell bad....like towels. Thank you!
FAQ in English
Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg remove dirt and stains?
A. Yes, the test result shows Terra Wash+Mg is as effective as detergent in decomposing sebum dirt.
Q. Do I need pre-spotting strong stains?
A. Yes, since Terra Wash+Mg does not contain bleaching agents, you need pre-spotting stubborn stains as same as when using detergent.
Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg remove odor?
A. Yes, the test result shows Terra Wash+Mg is about 10 times stubborn in removing odor components than detergent.
Q. How does laundry smell after washing with Terra Wash+Mg?
A. Terra Wash+Mg does not contain any fragrance agents, so laundry will be fragrance free with fresh scent.
Q. Does Terra Wash+Mg work without any suds?
A. Yes, it works without any suds.
Q. Does Terra Wash+Mg need rinse cycle?
A. No, since Terra Wash+Mg doesn’t create suds(bubbles) and doesn’t leave any chemical or soap residues, you can save rinse cycle so to save water.
Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in drying cycle?
A. Leaving Terra Wash + Mg inside a machine during drying cycle will not cause any problems or affect cleaning property, but we recommend to remove Terra Wash+Mg before drying cycle because it may damage a nylon bag faster than not doing so.
Q. If I accidentally forget to remove Terra Wash+Mg before drying cycle, will it affect cleaning property or damage the product?
A. No, it will not affect Terra Wash+Mg ‘s cleaning property and it will not damage the product. However, since leaving Terra Wash+Mg inside a washing machine during drying cycle may damage a nylon bag faster than not doing so, we recommend to remove Terra Wash+Mg before drying cycle.
Q. I often forget to take out Terra Wash+Mg and leave it in a washing machine all day or overnight. Will it damage a laundry machine or affect Terra Wash+Mg’s cleaning property?
A. No, it will not damage a laundry machine. However, leaving Terra Wash+Mg in wet place like in a washing machine for long hours when not in use may facilitate unnecessary oxidation, which may shorten the product life cycle and lower product performance, so make sure every time to air dry after use.
Q. Can I use Terra Wash+Mg three times a day or can it be used consecutively?
A. Yes, you can and you can use Terra Wash+Mg consecutively. The effects are same even if you use Terra Wash+Mg more than three times a day or consecutively.
Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in hand wash?
A. Yes, it can be used for hand wash. Soak Terra Wash+Mg in water with cloth for 20-30 minutes and this should raise pH level of water to about 10.5, which makes easier for water to remove dirt from fabrics. pH level of water raise faster by a washing machine than just soaking Terra Wash+Mg in water because magnesium is well scrubbed in a washing machine. Only raising pH level of water will not offer full cleaning property compared to when using a washing machine. In order to have full cleaning property, please scrub Terra Wash+Mg well for few minutes in water which creates more bubbles of hydrogen and giving Terra Wash+Mg’s full cleaning potential.
Q. Can I use bleach with Terra Wash+Mg?
A Yes, you can. However, DO NOT USE chlorine-based bleach. Oxygen-type bleach should work well with Terra Wash+Mg.
Q. Can I use softener with Terra Wash+Mg?
A. Yes, you can. However, fragrance may possibly be weaken due to Terra Wash+Mg’s strong power to remove odor.
Q. Can I use detergent or soap with Terra Wash+Mg?
A. Although it is unnecessary to use detergent and we recommend not to use detergent or soap with Terra Wash+Mg for environmental purposes, you may do so without any problem. When using detergent with Terra Wash+Mg, you may just reduce the usage amount of detergent or soap in half or less so to satisfy your desire for detergent while being better for environment. However, DO NOT USE chlorine-based detergent.
Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in hot/cold water?
A. Yes, it can be used in both hot and cold water. Hot water may be better in cleaning property, but cold water is surely better for environment.
Q. Can Terra Wash+Mg be used in hard/soft water?
A. Yes, it works effectively in both hard and soft water.
Q. Can I use Terra Wash+Mg in HE, front-loading or top-loading washing machines?
A. Yes, you can. It works in these types of washing machine.
Q. Will Terra Wash+Mg damage the drum or sensors in HE washing machines?
A. No, it will not. Terra Wash+Mg withstands high-speed spin cycles and it is safe to use in HE washing machines.
Q. Will water used in washing cycle with Terra Wash+Mg affect septic system?
A. No, it will not. Because Terra Wash+Mg leaves zero trace of chemicals without suds and soap residues, water used in washing cycle with Terra Wash+Mg is perfect for septic system. In addition, we recommend to use water used in washing cycle with Terra Wash+Mg to be used for farming if possible because magnesium contained in used water should help crops to grow healthier.
Q. How long it takes for Terra Wash+Mg to raise pH level of water to around 10.5?
A. About 5 to 10 minutes depending on the amount of water used by a washing machine. Less water leads to faster raise in pH level.
Q. Will water’s pH level decline as Terra Wash+Mg being used more?
A. No, there is practically no change in pH level.
保固:1 年
材質:99.95% 鎂、尼龍網布
尺寸:15.8 x 12.4 x 2.6 cm
重量:115 g
內容物:鎂潔洗衣片 x1(內容物100g)
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